
From Financial Modelling Wiki
Revision as of 11:56, 19 December 2021 by Levi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<strong>Waterfalls</strong> can be used to keep track of changes when there is a hierarchy. Higher priority items are located closer to the top. Project finance cash flow waterfalls are the classic example of waterfalls. [It would be useful to show an example here] [Explain when waterfalls are useful - e.g. when assessing the health of an entity (both bottom line and inspecting reasons, and also both operational and financial), and debt sculpting]")
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Waterfalls can be used to keep track of changes when there is a hierarchy. Higher priority items are located closer to the top.

Project finance cash flow waterfalls are the classic example of waterfalls.

[It would be useful to show an example here]

[Explain when waterfalls are useful - e.g. when assessing the health of an entity (both bottom line and inspecting reasons, and also both operational and financial), and debt sculpting]